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Mutter Erde – Mother Earth

Support since 2016
Our services: Online Campaigning, Google Grants, Mailing, Website: Conception, User Experience, Graphic Design, Customer Journey.

MUTTER ERDE (MOTHER EARTH) is an association of the ORF (ORF ist the public service broadcaster of Austria) and the leading environmental and nature conservation organizations of Austria – Alpenverein (Alpine Club), BirdLife, GLOBAL 2000, Greenpeace, Naturfreunde (Friends of Nature), Naturschutzbund (Nature Conversation Union), VCÖ und WWF. Every year, another relevant environmental issue is placed at the center of joint activities. Aims are to create awareness for the environment and to get people acting and supporting environmental and conservation projects.

The ORF (Austrian broadcast) is developing a thematic focus in the ORF programs around the annual environmental theme. This priority program is accompanied by advertising and marketing activities. We use the high visibility in the leading media for the further information work on the website, where in addition to the core messages of the campaign, in-depth information to appropriate behavioral and consumer tips are presented. With every focus, the range of information and also the interest in the topics grow well beyond the campaigns.
In addition to these tasks, we support MUTTER ERDE in the implementation of special projects such as the Umweltjournalismuspreis (Environmental Journalism Award).

The greatest challenge in this collaboration is the creation and design of “understandable” information. A deeper content-related discussion and interest in these topics are necessary for a customer journey in order to create a convincing and memorable information experience from dry facts and figures. It also requires a specific strategy to generate from the very campaign-controlled  and thus temporally short measures, continuous interest and sustainable information performance.


Topic 2022: Bye Bye CO₂! 
Topic 2021: Klima schützen, Arten schützen (Protect climate, protect species)
Topic 2020: Unser Klima, unsere Zukunft – Wir haben es in der Hand (Our climate, our future – we have it in our hands)
Topic 2019: Verwenden statt verschwenden (Use instead of waste)
Topic 2018: Schau, wo dein Essen herkommt! (See where your food comes from!)
Topic 2017: 2° sind mehr, als du denkst (2 ° is more than you think)
Topic 2016: Essen verschwenden ist Mist! (Wasting food is stupid!)

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    Within two workdays is just fine.A.S.A.P., thank you!