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With the press conference on May 14th of the ORF-Director-General Dr. Alexander Wrabetz, Mag. Anita Malli, Managing Director of MUTTER ERDE, and Mag. Alexander Egit, Managing Director of MUTTER ERDE and Greenpeace Managing Director, will be the first outlook for this year’s MUTTER ERDE focus and the ORF Focus Week (05th – 16th of June 2019).


MOTHER EARTH emphasis 2019
“Verwenden statt verschwenden” – “Use instead of wasting”


The initiative MUTTER ERDE is supported by the association “Environmental Initiative We for the World” – these are the ORF, Alpenverein (Alpine Club), Birdlife, GLOBAL 2000, Greenpeace, Naturfreunde (Friends of Nature), Naturschutzbund (Nature Conservation Union), VCÖ and WWF.

Every year, a relevant topic is placed at the center of common attention with the aim of informing people, raising awareness of sustainable action and also encouraging support for environmental projects.

Online campaigning

As a full service agency, we have been supporting MUTTER ERDE (Mother Earth) since 2016 in the online campaign management, SEA & Google Grants, e-mailing, website with conception, design, user experience, customer journey and in the technical implementation including donation system.

Also this year the design and illustration of the multi-layered topic was an exciting requirement on the website It was necessary to prepare comprehensive facts and figures for easy-to-understand and informative points of contact for the visitor and to awaken an awareness of the core message of the campaign.


iService projects in detail

Works in detail.