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With our Marketing Insights we inform you about the latest developments, exciting things and trends in online marketing.
Google Consumer Insights.
The at-home consumer: Learnings from the global lockdown.
Based on the available data, Google is convinced that essential information can be read from the current special situation. We also. [link]
Facebook Shops
Facebook brings on-platform shops for all fan pages! The possibilities are well thought out, the creation is free and the integration into the feed, advertising and the social proof mechanisms are quite impressive. We will report whether the whole thing is a game changer in one of the following newsletters when we have tried it out. [link]
Twitter makes it easier to enter “alt text” descriptions for images.
This is not only relevant for people with visual impairments, but also allows indexing of the bid material by search engines, since an image description is now available. Be sure to use, please contact us in advance!

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